Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Harry Potter...


Yo, it's me, CandyConfettiDude! I'm here to show you something my friends and I've been sort of obsessing over... nope, it's not cake (my favorite dessert, nomnomnom), it's something much more interesting and awesome than that, but definitely less tasty, not that I would eat it, of course. That awesome-fantastic-will-blow-your-mind-away thing I'm going to show you is... HARRY POTTER!

Yes, if you didn't know, I've been absolutely obsessing over Harry Potter lately, or really whenever I'm reading the books at the moment. I've read all the books in the series twice, no exceptions, and I'm currently reading the Deathly Hallows, which means that I'm almost close to reading the whole series thrice - er, three times. Yes, I'm a HarryPotterManiac, and yes, I prefer the books to the movies of Harry Potter. I've grown up with the story, and to me, having it end so soon (July, 2011) was very melodramatic. Now that I think about it, I want J. K. Rowling to create more books about Harry Potter - prequels and sequels even. 

Link to awesome-fantastic-will-blow-your-mind-away video on YouTube about Harry Potter!
Watch ONLY if you've read, watched, or just merely know the entire series of Harry Potter, or you will not understand the contents of the video, although the song may possibly get stuck in your head several times. 
Just have fun watching... all credits goes to Paint of YouTube! :D

Okay, everybody... did you all enjoy the video? What, you didn't watch it yet? Watch it NOW! 
Click the link ^above^ and watch it immediately - forget about everything stupid I said before! :]
If you didn't like it... then I'm extremely sorry for the disturbance. I hope you enjoy life, go shove cake pieces into your mouth, hug a pink turtle, and read a book, then maybe finish a glass of pineapple juice.
Have a good day.

However, if you're not a hater...

Thanks so much for watching! As I said, all credits goes to Paint, you can visit his channel on YouTube - it's awesome-fantastic-will-blow-your-mind-away. Share the song with your friends and family - possibly your pets - and just have a laugh. Thank you for enjoying Harry Potter - well, at least the song - it makes me so... so emotional. Harry Potter will never be forgotten!

#HarryPotterManiac (CandyConfetti) - logging off :]

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